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MEGAHOME|2020东京奥运会,Glas Italia姿态万千的玻璃艺术

客厅装修大全 2021-09-08 14:40


  The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games is in full swing, with Olympic athletes from all over the world taking part in the competition.


  The Olympic Games, as the largest top-level event in the world, has attracted extensive attention from people all over the world, and the excellent product design related to it has naturally emerged in endlessly, which not only serves the athletes, but also serves the public.

  其中意大利玻璃门具品牌Glas Italia作为2020 年东京奥运会“意大利之家”的官方供应商,用高端精致的产品设计,为运动员们提供了自然舒适的居住环境。

  Glas Italia, the official supplier of Casa Italia Tokyo 2020 , provides a natural and comfortable living environment for athletes with high-end and exquisite product design.

  “意大利之家”位于东京都港区的“The Kihinkan - Takanawa Manor House”,距离奥运村和主新闻中心约10公里。2021年7月23日至8月8日期间,所有意大利奥运会运动员和工作人员都将入住“意大利之家”。

  Casa Italia is hosted at "The Kihinkan - Takanawa Manor House" in Tokyo, located in the Minato-ku district, about 10 kilometers from the Olympic Village and the Main Press Centre. It will be the home of all Italian Olympic athletes and staff from July 23rd to August 8th 2021.

  这座建筑以新艺术风格建筑为特色,具有19世纪末和20世纪初欧洲房屋的典型特征。一系列相互连接的房间,重新诠释了这座建筑的含义,创造了一个以“Casa Italia-Mirabilia”命名的温馨住所。

  This building, featuring Art Nouveau architecture, typical of the European houses of the late 19th and early 20th century, with a linked succession of rooms, reinterpreted for this occasion to create an installation with the highly significant name of "Casa Italia - Mirabilia ".


  由Patricia Urquiola设计的LIQUEFY咖啡桌被选择用于公共区域。钢化超轻玻璃制成的高矮桌和控制台,带有精美的纹路装饰,呈现出大理石般的色彩和肌理。

  The coffee tables LIQUEFY, designed by Patricia Urquiola, has been selected for the public areas .High and low tables and console in tempered extralight glass with a veined and organic decoration which takes on the colour and veins of marble. 



  The surprising image changing effect, makes the veining look dynamic and variable depending on the viewing point. 


  The glass high tables of the STARLIGHT collection has been selected for the main dining rooms. The choice is not random at all and relates to the ultimate of all symbols of the Olympic Games: the Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch.


  火炬是由Tokujin Yoshioka (吉冈德仁)设计的,Tokujin Yoshioka是Glas Italia多年的合作伙伴,也是STARLIGHT系列餐桌的设计师。

  The Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch has been signed by Tokujin Yoshioka, a collaborator for many years with Glas Italia and also the designer of the featured STARLIGHT table collection.



  High table with top in 15 mm transparent extralight glass, chamfered and tempered. The legs are made of back-silvered glass profiles, glued to each other in order to create cylinders in star section with an extraordinary brightness and a sculptural feel. 

  Casa Italia Tokyo 2020 通过普遍共享的体育价值观,向世界展示了意大利设计的卓越和独特。让我们一起为奥运健儿加油!

  Casa Italia Tokyo 2020 brings the excellence and uniqueness of Italian design to the whole world, through the universally shared values of sport. Let's cheer for the Olympic athletes together!

  若想体验Glas Italia品牌的独特魅力,欢迎莅临展厅预约参观!



  如需查看更多信息,请添加兆霖家居公众号: Megahome_China。


MEGAHOME|Glas Italia,玻璃之外,门扇之间
东京奥运会 | 中国红,YYDS!
Megahome | Agape - Sen系列 隐藏美学

网址: MEGAHOME|2020东京奥运会,Glas Italia姿态万千的玻璃艺术 http://www.ketingzhuangxiu.com/news-view-id-75720.html